
      Future projects

      Still, there are (at least) two other software that we intend
      to develop. These are in the fields of expertise of O.Flomenbom.

      (*) Dynamics - software for the simulations and the analysis of Fokker-Planck

            and Langevin equations with many arguments.
      (*) Proteins - software for simulations and analysis of the dynamics of proteins.



  (*)      RDF website 
(docs & videos ; download paid version ; download free partial version; etc,)
(*) We offer services in solving noisy, finite length,
  experimental two-state time trajectories.
Submit an experimental two-state trajectory to

and get the results from our analysis within a week 
A-per-case estimation of the analysis-time is given upon submission. 
The cost of our analysis: 100$ per 108 data points, for the academia,
and 930$ per 108 data points, for those not affilated with the academia.
The payment is performed through a safe web-interface after the data and the affiliation of the clients are checked. 
The data should be submitted as text files. 
A brief description on the type of the experiments and the noise type is useful.

For the scheme of our analysis, click below


The full description of the output from our analysis is presented in Software description.


     (*) We are finalizing the first-version of the software RDF.
This software analyzes noisy, finite length, experimental two-state time trajectory.
The most important feature of the software finds the most accurate RD (reduced dimension)
form that can generate the data, and then translates this RD form to a set of kinetic schemes.  
A full description of the output from our analysis is given in Software description. 
I - reduced prices to researchers
    This learning-the-product option is restricted per computer & per email-address.
II - The software, plus a help-option, costs ~100$ to 350$ for a yearly license, to researchers,  
and from 1240$ for useres others
III - An introductory price, for a year, to any first time user.
       The prices: 99$ for a user affilated with research and 1050$ for others.  
IV - For labs that need more than 1050$ in licenses' puchases, a special price is given for the 11th permit on.